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  1. Sai lisatud ühte tõlkimist abistavasse süsteemi paar keelefaili.

    Äkki on ka foorumi kasutajatel huvi lüüa kaasa foorumi tõlkimises. Kui peaks kellegil huvi olema siis jätke siia või saatke mulle PS oma e-mailiga. Annan kutse.


    Arusaadavalt on raske nii tõlkida kui ei näe ega tea kuhu kohta antud fraas läheb. Seega saab tõlkida esmalt selliseid fraase mis on ilmselged ja kergesti "otse" tõlgitavad.



  2. Dear Client,

    Due to bad weather conditions, one of the worst weather conditions to hit Iceland in 20 years has been announced and alert has been sent out by Almannavarnir http://www.almannavarnir.is/ (It is in Icelandic language). 

    It is at all possible that there might become network disturbances tonight if the weather forcast returns true as it appears to becoming. 

    This does not mean there will be network disturbances, this is merely an announcement that it very well could be the case, we're letting you know in case there will be a blackout.

    Best greetings,
    - Customer Service

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